Your Vote Doesn’t Count

It is a myth that your vote doesn’t count. Despite the electoral college electing the President directly, every vote counts. It just counts in complex ways that differ by election, state, and region.
Laws are a system of rules that govern behavior. Typically laws are written, followed, and enforced as a social contract between members of society.
It is a myth that your vote doesn’t count. Despite the electoral college electing the President directly, every vote counts. It just counts in complex ways that differ by election, state, and region.
You have the right to remain silent and not make any self-incriminating statements in police custody, as granted by the Fifth Amendment and confirmed by Miranda v. Arizona.
America’s founding fathers were classical liberals, this means they favored liberty, private property, capitalism, freedom of religion, and a limited Republican style of government.
Special interests describe interests that are not purely public interests. Factions (special interest groups) are groups formed around shared interests (special interests).
A progressive tax (those who make more pay more) is generally “more fair” than a flat tax (everyone pays the same rate).
We explain economic inequality from a historical perspective, and then consider the effects of wealth inequality and income inequality in America today.
Medicare and Medicaid are both public health insurance. Medicare is primarily for 65 plus seniors. Medicaid is for low-income adults and children (CHIP). People can be dual-eligible for both.
“Being gay” (same-sex activity and partnership) used to be illegal in the U.S. and the U.K., and being gay is still illegal in many parts of the world. The details are complex.
A series of social and legislative changes in the 60’s ended an era of tuition-free state universities in the US and started the current student loan crisis.
US public state universities used to be tuition-free from the early 1800’s to the late 1960’s, although they still charged fees, but college has never been free in the US.