The First Public Stocks Were Issued to Reduce Risks Related to Pirates

The rise of piracy and the birth of the public stock market roughly intersect, this is because the first public stocks were essentially a type of insurance against pirates.
Military is the armed forces of a given country.
The rise of piracy and the birth of the public stock market roughly intersect, this is because the first public stocks were essentially a type of insurance against pirates.
Hitler came to power in a Democracy as the NAZIs gained seats in the Reichstag, but he was never elected President in a Democratic election.
Madison drafted both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but he wasn’t the sole author of either, both were debated and approved by committees.
King Arthur, a Briton who was said to have defended Britain against the Saxons in the late 5th century, is almost certainly a mythological figure.
Some claim the Second Amendment, like the Three-Fifths Compromise, was ratified to preserve slavery. This is only partially true.
The Declaration of Independence was voted on July 2nd, 1776 and signed July 4th, 1776, but independence wasn’t officially gained until the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783.
Switzerland doesn’t require its citizens to own guns. Guns are regulated in three classes and there is mandatory military service for able-bodied men.
The point of the Second Amendment is to secure a free-state via a well-regulated state-run militia. Thus, people have the right to keep and bear arms.
When the plutonium bomb to be dropped on Nagasaki was tested, the Manhattan Project scientists made a bet on whether or not it would destroy the world.
Memorial Day originated as “Decoration Day” after the American Civil War (there is debate over whether it started in the North or South, but today it honors all Americans who served their country).