There was a Google Doodle that Was a Working Synth

On May 23rd, 2012 in honor of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday Google’s homepage logo (Doodle) became a playable and recordable synthesizer.
Society and Social Sciences is a broad category referring to the relationships between networks and groups of people, and the study of this.
On May 23rd, 2012 in honor of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday Google’s homepage logo (Doodle) became a playable and recordable synthesizer.
Despite it being .01 times the size of Russia more people live in Bangladesh than Russia.
A Factoid is a brief piece of information that appears to be true, but isn’t necessarily factual or verified, yet is repeated as fact anyway.
You can not legally marry an inanimate object anywhere that we know of, this includes anime pillows, the Efile Tower, video game characters, or any other non-being.