Mercury is the Hottest Planet

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and thus receives the most direct heat. However, Venus is hotter, as Mercury doesn’t have an atmosphere thick enough to trap and hold heat.
A broad category referring to the study of the physical universe including nature and biology.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and thus receives the most direct heat. However, Venus is hotter, as Mercury doesn’t have an atmosphere thick enough to trap and hold heat.
Reference frames and relativity in physics explained using math-free examples. We cover: frames of reference, inertial frames, accelerated frames, and relativity.
In pop-science, in reference to the brain, you’ll hear the terms “hardwired” and “softwired”, hardwired means genetically programed and softwired means learned.
Mirror neurons are neurons that “fire” when observing an action and when performing an action, this allows for learning through imitation (“mirroring”).
Humans have more than 5 senses; we have 5 traditional senses, but over 20 senses in total with non-traditional senses counted. Other organisms have a variety of senses too.
The physical constants are measurable properties of the physical universe that don’t change, everything else is relative to these constants.
We don’t know exactly how many galaxies there are in the visible universe, but low estimates based on Hubble data start at 100 billion.
We explain the standard model of particle physics in simple terms for non-experts using videos, facts, and bullet points.
Glass, in any form, is not a liquid or a supercooled liquid, and it does not “flow” in its solid state. Glass is considered an amorphous solid, or just “glass.”
Fluoride is a name for several fluorine compounds. Fluoride is good for oral hygiene in small doses, but extremely dangerous and toxic in large doses.