Hot Water Can Freeze Faster than Cold Water

Hot water can freeze faster than cold water, but it does not always do so. This “Mpemba effect” may be related to “supercooling”, but that hasn’t been proven yet.
A broad category referring to the study of the physical universe including nature and biology.
Hot water can freeze faster than cold water, but it does not always do so. This “Mpemba effect” may be related to “supercooling”, but that hasn’t been proven yet.
Aspects of astrology are rooted in the science of astronomy and the academic tradition, but today astrology is considered a pseudoscience.
There is no visible “plastic island,” or “garbage patch” in the ocean. Instead, large low-density patches of plastic particles are caught in the ocean’s major gyres below the water’s surface.
Carrots can improve your vision if your body is deficient in vitamin A, but the popularity of carrots has more to do with a food shortage during WWII than beta-carotene.
Light is a particle (a photon), that acts like a wave (“both a particle and a wave”), which can be measured as an excited quantized state of the electromagnetic field.
Planck units, based on the reduced Planck constant (ℏ) and Planck constant (h), represent the smallest measurable units in the physical universe.
It’s theorized that using a starting pitch of A=432 Hz and a “just intonation” tuning method (scientific tuning) is more natural and mathematically symmetric than using A=440 Hz and “equal temperament” tuning (concert tuning).
There are four general blood types (A, B, AB, and O), each can be Rh ‘+’ or ‘-‘. Blood types differ by antigens on the surface of red blood cells.
All known particles are either massless energy particles, or are composite particles with mass that are made from massless energy particles.
Einstein’s 1905 paper on mass-energy equivalence doesn’t actually say ‘E=mc^2‘ it says, roughly, ‘m=L/c^2‘.