Understanding the American Political Left and Right
We explain the American political left-wing and right-wing by looking at the different factions that make up American liberalism and American conservatism.
Society and Social Sciences is a broad category referring to the relationships between networks and groups of people, and the study of this.
We explain the American political left-wing and right-wing by looking at the different factions that make up American liberalism and American conservatism.
Votes cast for President and Vice President in the general election are advisory votes, the President and Vice President aren’t decided until the electors’ direct votes are cast and counted.
Hillary Clinton won the national popular vote, but Donald Trump won the 2016 election by electoral vote due to the way the electoral college works.
In the U.S., the President and Vice President are elected by getting a majority of electoral college votes, they are not elected by popular vote.
If the 2016 election proved anything, it proved that the votes of progressive populists (like Bernie) and nativist populists (like Trump) matter in elections.
We explain Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes Day, and the symbolism behind the the Guy Fawkes mask, the fifth of November, and the Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot.
We present a simple guide to Marx, Marxian class theory, Marx’s theory of history, and Marx’s economic theories to help westerners understand what Marx was all about.
The gender pay gap is real, and so is the gender earnings gap. Even after all reasonable differences are factored out, an unexplained pay gap between men and women exists across the board.
Civil War, Revolution, and Rebellion all refer to different types of disputes between citizens of country regarding governmental power or authority.
Despite misconceptions, the United States is not a corporation. This can be confirmed by its lack of incorporating acts, its sovereign immunity, and past court cases, among other things.