Society and Social Sciences is a broad category referring to the relationships between networks and groups of people, and the study of this.

A Third Party Can’t Win

Third Party

Third Parties can win elections, but they rarely do. This is because the United States of America has a two-party system in practice.

The United States Has a Two-Party System

Despite two parties dominating politics due to a majority being needed to win elections, the United States doesn’t officially have a two-party system. Parties aren’t even mentioned in the Constitution.

All Action is Human Action

As Mises said, “all action is human action”. In other words, although we form groups that can indirectly act through consensus, groups themselves aren’t physical entities (and thus they can’t act directly).

Eugenics Has Historically Been a Popular Theory


Eugenics (including positive eugenics which breeds traits, and negative eugenics which prevents breeding) has been practiced since the Greeks, but rose to popularity in the west starting in the late 1800’s.

Athens had a Democracy

Classical Athens had a type of Direct Democracy that included direct voting on laws and election by lottery, but participation was limited to adult male citizens who owned land.

Sparta Was a Socialist State

Sparta can be described as a constitutional nationalist socialist state with an oligarchical republican government where societal roles were based on hereditary class.

James Monroe Wrote the Monroe Doctrine

Monroe Doctrine

One might assume James Monroe wrote the 1823 Monroe Doctrine, but its primary author was future-President and then secretary-of-state John Quincy Adams.