Society and Social Sciences is a broad category referring to the relationships between networks and groups of people, and the study of this.

William Jennings Bryan is the Father of Modern American Populism

William Jennings Bryan can be considered the father of modern American left-wing and right-wing populism, including progressivism, the religious right, workers’ movements like the free-silver movement, the income tax, direct elections of Senators, and more.

The Estate Tax Is Fair

The federal estate tax on property (cash, real estate, stock, or other assets) transferred from deceased persons to their heirs is a fair tax that helps prevent a wealth gap over time.

Fake News is Real

“Fake news” is news meant to influence rather than provide pure information. It is real and as old as the printing press. However, only some of what is labeled as “fake news” is actually “fake.”

The Dutch Traded Manhattan for Nutmeg

At the height of the spice trade, the Dutch traded Manhattan to the English for the Nutmeg-rich Run Island via the 1674 Treaty of Westminster.

John Lennon’s Deportation Case Inspired DACA

Some speculate that John Lennon’s status as a vocal anti-war rock icon caused Nixon to push for his deportation… which ironically resulted in a legal case that inspired President Obama’s 2012 immigration policy DACA.

About Half of Americans Own Stocks

According to a 2016 Gallup poll about half of American adults own stocks and about half don’t. This is down since 2007 when around 65% of American adults owned stocks.

Nonprofits Can’t Make a Profit

It is a myth that nonprofits don’t or can’t make a profit. Not-for-profit businesses can make a profit; they just can’t distribute their profits to individuals beyond paying reasonable compensation.